VolimoNet Mini Pavlova

Informacija o receptu

  • Posted By : Dubravka Belogrlic
  • Objavljeno: Jan 30, 2016
  • Pregleda : 2600
  • Likes : Trenutna Pozicija:
  • Kategorija : POSLASTICE » Torte
  • Opis: Pavlova, jedna od bezvremenskih poslastica, od momenta kada je Velingtonski poslastičar kreirao , zaljubivši se u isto tako lepršavu rusku balerinu. Jedan od onih deserta koji se lako pojede i posle obilnog ručka.




    Scroll  down for Recipe in English

    Pavlova, jedna od bezvremenskih poslastica, od momenta kada je Velingtonski poslastičar kreirao , zaljubivši se u isto tako lepršavu rusku balerinu. Jedan od onih deserta koji se lako pojede i posle obilnog ručka.





    8 Belanaca

    1 prstohvat soli

    500 grama šećera

    4 kasičice gustina

    1 kasicica vanila ekstrakta

    2 kašičice belog vinskog sirćeta

    750 ml slatkog pavlake

    Voće za dekoraciju

    20 g šeceera u prahu za posipanje






    Zagrejte rernu na 180ºC gas 4 / 350ºF.

    Umutitie belanca, dodate so i umutite sne dok se pojave mehuri. Polako dodajte šećer i  mutite. Dodate vanilu, gustini sirće i ručno umešate .,šne treba da bude sada čvrst,.


    Na ravnom plehu na pek papiru ,zacrtate 6 krugova razmere oko 10 cm.


    Sipate kašikom šne u krugove. Ako želite kasnije staviti voće u Pavlovu, napravite kašikom malo udubljenje u sredini.



    Stavite u rernu,smanjite na 150ºC  / gas 2 / 300ºF i pecite 30 minuta.Isključite rernu i ostavite ih u  njoj,još 30 minuta, a zatim izvadite iz rerne da se ohlade.

    Dekorišete sa slagom i vocćm i pospete šećerom u prahu







    • large egg whites
    • pinch of salt
    • 500 grams caster sugar
    • teaspoons cornflour
    • scant teaspoon vanilla extract
    • teaspoons white wine vinegar
    • 750 ml whipping cream (whipped)
    • 750 grams blackberries
    • 750 grams raspberries
    • sprinkling of icing sugar (for dusting)




    1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/gas mark 4/350ºF.
    2. Whisk the egg whites with the salt until they're holding firm peaks but are not stiff. Gently add in the sugar, spoonful after spoonful, still beating, until you've got a bowl full of gleaming, satiny, snowy meringue. Sprinkle the cornflour, a few drops of vanilla and the vinegar on top and fold in to combine.
    3. Draw 6 circles of approximately 10cm / 4 inch circles (using a pint glass as a guide, if this helps) on each of the parchment-lined sheets.
    4. Spoon the meringue onto the baking parchment into the delineated circles, and spread and smooth to fill. You want to make the meringue slightly higher at the rims, or just use the back of the spoon to make an indentation in the centre to hold the cream and fruit later.
    5. Put into the oven, turn it down to 150ºC/gas mark 2/300ºF, and bake for 30 minutes. Turn the oven off and leave them in for another 30 minutes, then take out of the oven to cool. I just transfer them, on their baking parchment, to wire racks.
    6. When you want to assemble them, dollop cream into the indentation, and smooth it with the back of a spoon, leaving the odd peak. Place, fruit and Dust with icing sugar.